
Wednesday, October 6, 2010


My boss called me into his office yesterday to ask me what my goals are for next year. I told him I want to los 10 pounds. I don't think that's exactly what he meant to get out of the conversation, but hopefully a little humor always helps at yearly review time.

I thought this would be a good time to spill my personal goals for the following year.

Goal 1: I really would like to get back to the Thrive Weightloss way of eating. It's amazing how well it works. If only I had followed the maintenance plan to keep it off. I write this while I'm eating trail mix made from dried fruit, mixed nuts and tons of chocolate and peanut butter chips.

Goal 2: Quit sabotaging myself once I reach a goal. I really prefer to blame my husband for the sabotage, although that's not completely fair. He's not forcing beer and hot wings down my throat, but he keeps bringing them home, so he definitely contributes. Why'd I marry a man from a naturally skinny family?

Goal 3: Go through the complete 3 month (I think it's 3 months) Turbo Fire exercise program.

Goal 4: Get that darn MCTS certification.

Goal 5: Get through a year without smoking a cigerette. I'm on day 6!

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