
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving is Over

Time to celebrate, the holiday is finally behind us. That is one holiday I have so much trouble with. All the food, all the relatives insisting I eat it. But I digress.

I started Thrive Weightloss 3 weeks ago. Actually this is my 2nd time doing it. The first time (2 years ago) I lost 15 pounds in 8 weeks and maintained it for about a year, after which time the weight slowly crept back on. This time around, I'm having an awful time following it due to several factors:

  1. I like to drink beer and my husband refuses to not drink it just because I can't quit shoving food in my mouth
  2. My husband, as great a husband as he is, has absolutely nothing in common with me and we have grown so far apart we can barely see each other when in the same room, leaving me uncomfortable in my own home and feeling guilty for wanting to escape
  3. My mother recently started staying in town every weekend, which requires me to entertain her all weekend and when I walk in the door, the first thing she does is make plans for dinner. When I mention something that doesn't involve carbs, sugar or fats, you can see her face fall

I know, I'm making excuses. Truth is, I love carbs and beer and that is why I'm starting to put on weight. I'm just thankful I'm blessed with a naturally high metabolism or I'd be huge by now. BUT, I know if I lived alone my kitchen would be stocked with foods I can maintain my weight with, not cheese its, candy, beer and potato chips. My closets wouldn't be crammed with sh#$ we will never use, because I can actually throw crap away which would mean i could actually use the closet in my bedroom again. Everything would be neat and tidy, instead of disorganized and buried under more crap. There would be no such thing as clutter. Oops, I'm showing my passive-aggressive side. Things I will post on the world wide web but won't mention at home.

Unfortunately, this extra weight at my age is causing pain. My arthritis in my hip has really kicked it up a notch this year, to the point that my favorite form of exercise (karate) causes miserable pain every time I do it and I really want to get back to Turbo Fire workouts but can't do that either because of the pain. So the weight has to go. And now that the holiday is past, I have to resolve to stick with the diet plan, at least until Mom's birthday Dec. 7.

Wish me luck.

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