
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Insanity Day 36, Max Cardio Conditioning

I think I like this workout better than the other max workouts. Mainly because it's only 47 minutes and because it's not circuits, so I don't have to repeat those exercises 3 times each. The circuits are what get to me. Knowing that after a break, having done 5 exercises in a row, I have to go back and do them 2 more times just makes the workouts drag along.

In this workout you don't have to repeat any of the exercises. The downside is that you don't get any water breaks. But not having the endurance, strength or wind to complete much of it without taking a much needed rest gives me a small amount of time to gulp down some water while gasping for air.

I'm still excited about Turbo Fire coming. It should be here soon and I just can't stop surfing YouTube to watch others doing the workouts. It looks like so much more fun.

Upside note: I haven't really lost any weight, but my jeans are fitting differently, so I peaked a look in the mirror and I'll be darned if my backside doesn't look a little shapelier!

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