
Friday, July 9, 2010

Day Before Insanity Strikes

When I was considering the Insanity DVD's and wanting to learn about them, I searched for blogs and reviews on the workout program online. Mostly what I found was people 'reviewing' Insanity and selling it on the same page. Sorry, but if you're selling it, I don't think you're going to give an objective review. Yes, they mention how hard it was, how sore they got, how nausaus they would get doing the first few workouts. But then they'd throw in the phrases about getting hooked on it and looking forward to it every day. I don't think I've ever gotten hooked on exercise. I feel great after I've accomplished goals and I sleep much better when I get a hard workout in, but I don't leave my office looking forward to working out. It's just never happened to me. My objective is to give my honest, humble opinion, good or bad, with no advertisements and no encouragement to buy the dvd's.

I was looking forward to starting Insanity, but as the deadline approaches, I'm having second thoughts. I was in incredible shape 4 years ago when I got my black belt, but the last few years my exercising has consisted of light workouts in karate classes and surfing the web. I have a strong right index finger, by the way. All that mouse-clicking really paid off!

Tomorrow morning, ready or not, is day 1 of 63 for me. Day 1 is the fit test, which you take every 3 weeks (I believe) to see how you're progressing. Wish me luck and wish my oxygen!

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