
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Insanity Day 12, Cardio Power and Resistance

This Insanity workout just isn't getting much easier. Sure, I am stronger and can do more of the pushup routines. I have more wind. BUT my legs feel like lead each and every time I start the gawd awful warmup. I'm talking about all the workouts in the 1st month of the series. I so dread the second month.

My lower back is starting to ache from this. I'm hoping the Aleve I'm popping after workouts helps keeps that at bay, because if it keeps getting worse, I'm going to have a terrible time getting through another 6 weeks.

Tomorrow, Pure Cardio AND Cardio Abs. 2 workouts. Ugghhhh. Am I going to be able to crawl to karate class afterwards? Stay tuned . . .

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