
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Insanity Day 8, Cardio Power and Resistance

Yesterday, day 7, was my day off and it flew by! It was great not to have to rush home and workout.

Today is the start of my second week (of 8). This workout isn't any easier the second time around. I still can't get through the second set of circuits (all those pushups) without having to take breaks. My arms are trembling and I'm definitely going to feel it tomorrow.

The cardio itself is getting easier. I still get winded and wear out fast, but I'm surviving much more of it than I did last week. Also, I'm familiar with the moves now so it's a little easier to concentrate on my form.

As far as diet goes, I'm not following one. I know I should be. I know the fat will fall off if I do, but for some reason I can't wrap my brain around dieting AND exercising. It's always one or the other for me. When I get to my second month though, I am going to try to go back to a higher protein, no white carb or sweets diet. Following that does get the weight off me. If I'm going to bust my butt and work out enough to burn up to 1,000 calories a day, I need to clean up my diet so I can see all the hard work paying off. I am probably burning between 400 and 500 calories a work out now. That's an educated guess based on how many calories a tough karate work out for an hour burns (approx. 700).

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