
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wednesday and Things Keep Getting Better

Today my attitude was so much better and I feel better. It's amazing what a full night's sleep will do for you, and I attribute that to finally being back on Thrive long enough for my metabolism to be running the way it should be again.

Today's menu:

  • Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, sauteed mushrooms and spinach and fat free cheese rolled up on a La Banderita Xtreme Fiber tortilla
  • Lunch: Applebees - sirloin with sauteed mushrooms and onions and steamed veggies
  • Dinner: Baked chicken sprinkled with Mrs. Dash Chipotle Pepper Seasoning and steamed veggies (from a steamer bag you get in the freezer section). I'm tossing around the idea of adding a 1/2 cup of whole wheat pasta and some Parmesan cheese and some hot sauce (I love the stuff) to it
  • Snack: Power Crunch Bar
On a side note: my joints haven't hurt in 2 days. I've beens sitting in a classroom for those 2 days and that's incredible! I would think it was the weather, but yesterday it rained cats and dogs (or dawgs as they say here in Georgia) and today it's dry and cold. You would think that would make me hurt more, but I've been pain free. I don't want to jinx it, but I'm starting to wonder if maybe this clean eating is helping with joint inflamation. I'm definitely going to keep that in the back of my tiny little mind. I would love to say it's the weight loss, but I've only lost a total of 1 3/4 pounds so far. Heck, I may get back to my Turbo Fire workouts, Insanity workouts and sparring in karate sooner than I thought, which will make the weight come off that much faster!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thriving on Tuesday

I hung in there today. Give me an ATTABOY. That's 3 perfect days. and THAT means I've reached efficient fat burning mode. Like I said in a previous post, weekdays are usually easy for me to be perfect diet-wise. It's the weekends, the change of my routine, the stress that make for blow it days.

Now I can be successful on this plan (albeit the weight comes off slower) by having 1 blow it day a week. I can even get by with have a couple beers on the night before my blow it day and still lose weight slowly. But you have to be careful when you drink alcohol, because your resolve to do the right thing gets dulled and that's when I get into trouble. A few Cheese Its, potato chips, cheese fries, etc. So I try to stick with water on Friday nights and have my blow it day on Saturday.

Today's menu:

  • Breakfast: 1 cup Special K Protein Plus and 1/2 cup skim milk. Also hemp hearts sprinkled on the cereal.
  • Lunch: The last of the Thrive recipe chicken alfredo (brought it to the class I'm taking and borrowed their fridge and microwave)
  • Snack: Twisted Energy Bar with protein. A little chalky, but it had a sweet/salty taste.
  • Dinner: hamburger steak, 1 slice double fiber 50 calories a slice whole wheat bread, a little light mayo and jalapenos (made like a burger) and beats
I have no plans for tomorrow, which usually gets me in trouble. I will have to stop at the store on the way home and get some meat for dinner.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Down A Pound

Well after 4 weeks of doing Thrive Weightloss, I'm down a pound. This after blowing it for 4 days during the holiday weekend and blowing it both days the previous weekend. All in all, I don't consider that bad, but I do consider my poor resolve bad and realize I need to work on it.

Today was my 2nd perfect day and I hope I can keep it up. I'm taking a class out of town all week so I'll be eating out for lunch most days. They say it takes 48 hours to get into efficient fat burning mode and that's where I want to be.

  • Breakfast: 1 1/2 cups Special K Protein Plus, 1/2 cup skim milk and a little bit of hemp hearts. I also choked down the a tablespoon of the Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar With the Mother, which is supposed to have thermogenic properties.
  • Lunch: Salad from Firehouse Subs with smoked turkey, no dressing. I brought my own Italian dressing made with the Braggs, MCT oil and the seasoning packet
  • Dinner: Chicken Alfredo (recipe from Thrive) and another tablespoon of the Braggs.
  • Snack: 2 Glenny's Brownies (haven't had them yet, but drool thinking about them)

If you've never choked down the Braggs vinegar before, it's harsh. I mix it with a little water and some Splenda. It's the only way I can get it down. Yes, 2 of those brownies is considered a snack.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

New Attitude

Well today officially the holiday is behind me. I can finally relax and get back on plan. Put away the alcohol, the casserole dishes and the sweets and get back to the lean proteins and vegetables that are so much better for our bodies.

My menu for today:

  • Breakfast: Special K Protein Plus with hemp hearts and 1/2 cup skim milk (tastes like cardboard)
  • Lunch: leftover stuffed bell pepper from yesterday (I loved this, Mark hated it)
  • Dinner: Thrive recipe for Chicken Alfredo (definitely not like the real thing, but creamy and satisfying all the same)
  • Snack: I have no idea, probably a Power Crunch bar

My goal this week is to have a Thrive perfect week through Sunday. Sunday will be a blow it day as I'm cooking crab cakes and chocolate mousse for mom for her birthday.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thriving Saturdays

So I've been doing Thrive for 3 weeks now and haven't been all that successful. The first week 3 pounds fell off. The second week I had a blow it day and then on Sunday had to go to my dad's for a Thanksgiving meal of ham and the usual casseroles that go along with the holiday. And of course everyone knows what Thursday was, which means Friday was leftover day.

Today I've been fairly good, well except for the light beer. And when you're doing Thrive, you either have a perfect day or a blow it day, so technically and in the Thrive journal, this will be a blow it day. Weekends are my worst days. I'm a creature of habit, so as long as I'm working and following my workday routine, I have perfect days. Well as long as I prepare by grocery shopping for the right foods.

Today I had:

  • Breakfast: Quaker Oats Weight Control Oatmeal with hemp hearts in it for my protein.
  • Lunch: Thrive approved stuffed bell pepper which was great, but after stuffing myself with Thanksgiving casseroles for the last 2 days, I'm suffering from from feeling hungry all over again.
  • Snack: Power Crunch bar, which was great. BTW, that link has a great price, so if anyone knows if that's a good place to order from, please let me know.
  • Dinner will probably be: another stuffed pepper and maybe a salad with it. And I'll more than likely eat another snack (women only get 1) when Mark gets home from working bingo tonight at 9:30.

No exercise, unless you count cleaning out a closet. My hip is still hurting too much for exercising. Once some of this weight melts off, I will be back to doing Turbo Fire, which will help with getting the rest of the 15-20 pounds off.

Thanksgiving is Over

Time to celebrate, the holiday is finally behind us. That is one holiday I have so much trouble with. All the food, all the relatives insisting I eat it. But I digress.

I started Thrive Weightloss 3 weeks ago. Actually this is my 2nd time doing it. The first time (2 years ago) I lost 15 pounds in 8 weeks and maintained it for about a year, after which time the weight slowly crept back on. This time around, I'm having an awful time following it due to several factors:

  1. I like to drink beer and my husband refuses to not drink it just because I can't quit shoving food in my mouth
  2. My husband, as great a husband as he is, has absolutely nothing in common with me and we have grown so far apart we can barely see each other when in the same room, leaving me uncomfortable in my own home and feeling guilty for wanting to escape
  3. My mother recently started staying in town every weekend, which requires me to entertain her all weekend and when I walk in the door, the first thing she does is make plans for dinner. When I mention something that doesn't involve carbs, sugar or fats, you can see her face fall

I know, I'm making excuses. Truth is, I love carbs and beer and that is why I'm starting to put on weight. I'm just thankful I'm blessed with a naturally high metabolism or I'd be huge by now. BUT, I know if I lived alone my kitchen would be stocked with foods I can maintain my weight with, not cheese its, candy, beer and potato chips. My closets wouldn't be crammed with sh#$ we will never use, because I can actually throw crap away which would mean i could actually use the closet in my bedroom again. Everything would be neat and tidy, instead of disorganized and buried under more crap. There would be no such thing as clutter. Oops, I'm showing my passive-aggressive side. Things I will post on the world wide web but won't mention at home.

Unfortunately, this extra weight at my age is causing pain. My arthritis in my hip has really kicked it up a notch this year, to the point that my favorite form of exercise (karate) causes miserable pain every time I do it and I really want to get back to Turbo Fire workouts but can't do that either because of the pain. So the weight has to go. And now that the holiday is past, I have to resolve to stick with the diet plan, at least until Mom's birthday Dec. 7.

Wish me luck.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Goals Part 2

I'm still not smoking. No Smoke America you have really helped. My mood is good for the most part and lord knows I love that you dole out drugs if I call saying I have anxiety! That's right. They told me to call if I feel anxious and overwhelmed, which I did. I wanted (and still want) to smoke so badly I can taste it. According to them, this isn't withdrawal, it's anxiety. See, a pack of smokes is like a best friend that you share the good times and bad times with. Lately, I'm having a constant and equal mix of both. And I've always been a slight basket case anyway. So a low dose of xanax is helping me keep from smoking.

However, that is going to run out not too long from now and they won't prescribe a refill, so at that point, I'm on my own. Think I can get my life together in 30 days or so? I serously doubt it. I'm one of those people that can't make major decisions. I wait for others to decide for me, which would explain the predictament I'm in now. I'm also terribly terribly passive agressive, which means I stay angry and bitter about things but do absolutely nothing to communicate those feelings to the parties causing the turmoil. Oh i've made it clear that things need to change, but haven't expressed the anger that wells up every single time I get reminded of what is causing that turmoil. And it's not just one thing, it's a few things.

But I digress, this blog is not for my passive agressive release. It's supposed to inspire others to improve their lives, like I try to improve mine. Well I talk a good game, anyway.

I've gone 9 days without smoking now. That's an improvement, and I do feel more energetic. I'm slowly getting back to Thrive Weightloss eating, at least during the week, although I'm still drinking 1 or 2 beers a day, which defeats the diet. It's impossible to follow on the weekends while living with someone that has no weight problem and does our grocery shopping and cooking so I haven't even been trying to follow it then.

I still haven't started back with Turbo Fire and I'm still having joint pain in my lower back. It seems these days anything I do makes it hurt. But I think the 10 pounds I've put on is what's causing a lot of the back pain, so getting that off will get me closer to being able to get back to Turbo Fire.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


My boss called me into his office yesterday to ask me what my goals are for next year. I told him I want to los 10 pounds. I don't think that's exactly what he meant to get out of the conversation, but hopefully a little humor always helps at yearly review time.

I thought this would be a good time to spill my personal goals for the following year.

Goal 1: I really would like to get back to the Thrive Weightloss way of eating. It's amazing how well it works. If only I had followed the maintenance plan to keep it off. I write this while I'm eating trail mix made from dried fruit, mixed nuts and tons of chocolate and peanut butter chips.

Goal 2: Quit sabotaging myself once I reach a goal. I really prefer to blame my husband for the sabotage, although that's not completely fair. He's not forcing beer and hot wings down my throat, but he keeps bringing them home, so he definitely contributes. Why'd I marry a man from a naturally skinny family?

Goal 3: Go through the complete 3 month (I think it's 3 months) Turbo Fire exercise program.

Goal 4: Get that darn MCTS certification.

Goal 5: Get through a year without smoking a cigerette. I'm on day 6!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I know, I haven't posted in a while, even though I said I would. I have my excuses and for the most part they're not going to be named.

I have been forced to quit smoking. I knew it would happen someday, but I didn't expect it so quickly. My health insurance is going to go up a small fortune if I don't quit, so I have been trying several methods. Keep in mind that I've been smoking for 30 years, so it's like killing my best friend (I know, so dramatic). I have to briefly mention that it completely pisses me off that the insurance companies aren't going after type 2 diabetics, a huge epidemic in this country. It's not politically correct to pick on fat people like it is smokers. I get it. I have perfect pulmonary function, perfect heart rate, better than perfect cholesterol but they're going to charge me $100.00 more a month for insurance than someone who has to inject insulin in their gut every day simply because they can't stay away from processed foods and sweets and can't take time to exercise. Grrrrrrrrr.

I tried cold turkey. I feel sorry for anyone who was around me those 3 days. I was a royal bitch! And I couldn't sleep. My muscles and nerves were so on edge it was making me and everyone around me miserable. this is not a good method to try when your job is primarily customer service based.

I tried nicotine patch. That is just slow torture. All it does is prolong the agony.

I tried cutting back. I can come up with more excuses than you can imagine for a smoke. Needless to say, it didn't work.

So I tried the Welpex shots. I researched it and that made me soooooo nervous. Mostly because I couldn't find any information that wasn't put out by the people selling the stuff. You can tell because page after page was the excact same drivel. I know the medicines in the shots was FDA approved but not FDA approved for that use. I got so tired of reading the exact same information webpage after webpage. It was obvious the clinics that administer this method were the ones putting all the data out there. I did read see one Youtube video about the dangers of it. How the doctor that 'discovered' it had his license revoked due to fraud and that one of the medicines is a poison. I really didn't give that much thought. I probably would have if I had seen articles or forums where people discussed the problems they'd had. Besides, if you're willing to put all those toxins found in cigerettes into your body, what's a little poison?

So what's it like? After the shots I was sleepy and my throat was dry. I slept most of the way home, most of the evening and woke up pretty refreshed the next morning. Now I'm taking 2 prescriptions that keep a very low dose of the medicine in my system for 2 weeks, to get me through the withdrawal. They have slight side affects, but in my mind pleasant ones. If you ever got stoned 30 years ago when pot was really pot and not the chemical crap it is now, it is like that. At least I think it is. It's been so many years since I got high I'm not positive, but that's what it reminds me of.

It's not a miracle cure. I do want a smoke. I want to celebrate the fall weather with a glass of wine and cigerette while sitting on my back porch. I want to wake up to a hot cup of coffee and cigerette. But I know these are my emotional habits talking. My evil little friend. Not the withdrawal symptoms.

So yes it does work. I am not having the harsh withdrawal symptoms that I was having. But the emotional symptoms are still there and still strong. I have to keep reminding myself $150.00 a month for shopping. . . . $150.00 a month for shopping.

Surely that will motivate me to stay away from smoking again. Money talks!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Turbo Fire and Thrive Weightloss

This week I'm back on track with Turbo Fire, and I've decided to just start from the beginning. It's making my back hurt a little from arthritis. Those side to side movements from the waist do wreak havoc on my joints.

The diet plan is going okay too. I stocked up on clean food for the week. At the end of the week I'm going to see how much difference it makes to put the 2 together. I have to admit though, after eating whatever I want for the last few months (and gaining weight, ouch), I'm hungry being back on track, but I know that will just last a couple days. Also, I'm having a hard time finding food for breakfast. I'm not a big egg eater, can't stand the taste of any protein powders (and yes if you suggest it, I've tried it, not wasting any more money on it) and I'm limited as far as finding protein that I can stand to eat that early.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I confess, I've been such a slug lately. I haven't been working out and I've been eating so much junk. So next week while the husband is out of town, I'll be revisting the Thrive Weight Loss Plan and definitely getting back to doing Turbo Fire.

Sometimes life and lack thereof get in the way of your plans to succeed. Sometimes it's just that little demon on the right shoulder. It's time for me to get back to a serious schedule, because not having one makes me lazy. Trying to fit in work, studying for a certification, and a slight social life all sidetracked me, but not for long.

I have been letting the husband do all the grocery shopping and 99% of the cooking. And along with drinking beer, it's really packed on the pounds. I am hoping I can knock off a good chunk of the weight I need to get off (or at least get a good start on it) next week while the husband is away. Till then, I'll probably be incognito.

Talk to you soon.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Turbo Fire

I haven't been posting the last few days because, uggghhhh, I haven't been working out. I have a legitimate excuse every time I skip a workout (don't we all?).

I'm trying to give up smoking because my health insurance is going to go up $120.00 a month if I don't quit. I can pour as much sugar and saturated fat into my body as my heart desires, but one puff of a cigerette and I'll be broke starting January 1.

I've been using the nicotine patches, which don't help much. I still want to smoke and have a few every day. But the downside is that they keep me awake all night. Even if I take the patch off a few hours before bedtime, I end up staring at the ceiling all night. So I'm exhausted and irritable. I'll be trying the stop smoking injection next month if I get the okay from my doctor. I have to make sure it doesn't interact with a medication I take first. Nothing like the thought of injecting poison into your body to quit a bad habit. But it seems to help some, so I'm willing to try it.

Anyway, I digress. I've been extremely tired and irritable, which is a polite way of saying I've been a royal bit#@ lately. Last night I was so tired I don't think anything could have kept me awake and I slept great. I fully expect to tonight also, so hopefully by tomorrow I'll be back on track. There are still so many of the workouts I haven't tried and I'm looking forward to it.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Turbo Fire Day 12, Fire 55 EZ

I'm still not sure what EZ stands for. This workout is not easy, but it is fun, with lots of kickboxing. I am starting to notice that my knees are aching though. I'm being careful to pivot like Chalene Johnson says too, but I guess I'm either not doing it right, or that hard floor is just a little too hard on my joints. No swelling though so I think it's safe to ignore it for now.

I think it's time to stop doing the 'new to class' option also. I still struggle a little with the choreography, but I'm picking up on her queus now and I'm able to keep up to the beat of the music, so the next Fire class I'll try without using that option.

As far as whether these classes burn a ton of calories as is claimed, time will tell. I'm not dieting but I'm not eating more so it stands to reason that I should see a slow weight loss if I'm really burning calories for 24 hours.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Turbo Fire Day 11, HIIT 15 and Sculpt 30

Today I did HIIT 15 and attempted Sculpt 30. The HIIT and Fire dvd's are so much fun now that I'm getting better at following Chalene's queus. I'm able to put a lot more energy into them and my heart rate really gets up there. The thing I like most about these HIIT dvd's as opposed to Insanity is that the circuit only lasts about 1 minute, so I'm not holding back, I'm giving it all I've got and it doesn't last so long that I'm bored doing the moves. The 15 minutes absolutely flies by.

The sculping class is pretty boring, but I am going to have to get a resistance band similar to these:

What they send you with the dvd's is similar to this:

This tube band kills my wrists, which are arthritic and prone to tendonitis, thanks to 9 years of sparring in karate and blocking kicks the wrong way (with my hands open instead of fists). Needless to say, after 10 minutes of the sculpting dvd, my wrists were aching and I had to quit. I will get the better resistance band this week before my next attempt at the sculpting class.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Turbo Fire Day 9, HIIT 20 and Core 20

I've missed 3 workouts in a row because of other obligations and shear laziness, so today I made up for it by doing the HIIT 20 class AND the Core 20 class.

HIIT 20 was another interval circuit class and I don't know how Chalene does it, but she makes it fun and the time flew by. She also keeps you highly motivated and inspired to push yourself, and even though it was only a 20 minute workout, I worked up a good sweat and felt like I got a good workout in.

I wanted to try the Core 20 class (so unlike me to do 2 workouts in a row) simply because I haven't worked my abs in forever, except for a few minutes of crunches in karate class. I can already feel it and I'm sure I'm going to be sore tomorrow. This dvd uses uses a resistance band. I don't have a good one like they use in the dvd, but a cheap one without handles came with the series of dvd's so I used that. I will definitely have to invest in a better one with handles because this giant rubber band made my wrists ache.

Now if I can just get my diet in line . . . funny how when i workout regularly I can't seem to diet. It must be lack of coordination. Some people can't rub their bellies and tap their head, I can't exercise regularly and eat right. I'm going to have to work on that.

Side note: On the HIIT dvd's, there's an option you have to choose: fire up the music: yes or no. The first HIT class I did, I chose yes thinking that yes is for music and no isn't. What they mean is yes if you want the music super loud (you won't be able to hear Chalene's instructions well) and no if you just want the music at a normal volume. I can't wait until I can do these HIIT classes with the music fired up loud!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Turbo Fire Day 5, Fire 55 EZ

Fire 55 EZ isn't easy, but it sure is fun! Even doing the 'new to class' option, which goes over the choreography (off the 55 minute clock), the time flew by. This is definitely a program I can stick with.

As far as comparing it to Insanity, it's hard to do. The programs are so different, I'm not sure there is a way to compare them. I think once my body gets used to doing Turbo Fire and I've gone through the whole 2 or 3 months (not sure how long it is when you don't have the deluxe dvd's), I will need to switch to something else short term to shock my body and muscles so I continue to improve.

Turbo Fire doesn't concentrate on muscle building, it's cardio only from what I can tell, so that would be the biggest difference. I know there are some toning dvd's in the series that I haven't gotten to yet, but I don't think they're anything as intense as Insanity's massive amount of pushup circuits. Time will tell though.

Turbo Fire is so much fun to do though, and that makes it much easier to talk myself into actually putting the dvd in and hitting 'play' and giving it all I've got. That alone makes Turbo Fire something I can stick with, whereas I dreaded having to go home and put in the Insanity dvd's, and got to where I skipped workouts a few days a week. You won't see results if you don't actually do anything.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Turbo Fire Day 4, Fire 30

Today was my second time doing a fire workout and it was much easier this time to follow the direction and keep up with the choreography. I got a much more intense workout, with heavy breathing and sweating going on. I really enjoyed the workout and am looking forward to the next dvd in the series, Fire 55 EZ, which is tomorrow.

I'm guessing the moves will be close to the same as the Fire 30 moves, but I'm still going to follow the 'first in class' option if it's available. Another time or two and I think I'll have it down.
The Fire 55 EZ class will give me a good idea on whether Turbo Fire will be able to deliver the intensity that Insanity does, however, with what I was able to do today, I'm extremely happy with Turbo Fire. It's definitely a workout I can stick with for the long haul without beating my arthritic joints straight into surgery.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Turbo Fire Day 2, Hit 15

Today was the Hit 15 class, which went much better than yesterday's class did. When I started it up I noticed there wasn't a 'new to class' option which worried me, but I sucked it up and went on with my workout.

The Hit class is drills lasting about a minute long with breaks in between. It's a lot like Insanity's circuits, only not anywhere close to boring like Insanity's is. Somehow, Chalene makes it fun to do and I was able to get a good workout in, although it was too short I think to get any real results. According to Chalene, doing these circuits gives you an afterburn affect by raising your metabolism for up to 24 hours, but I just don't see how such a short workout can have a great impact when I was killing myself with an hour of those circuits while doing Insanity. When I would do an Insanity workout, I didn't have the energy to pick myself up off the floor afterwards. I could have repeated this workout tonight. I did breath hard after the circuits and I did work up a sweat. I do think once I'm familiar with the routine I'll be able to put more work into it, but I am giving myself a learning curve this first week.

Turbo Fire is fun to do so I'm going to keep on because the thought of going back to Insanity makes me want to curl up on the couch and eat potato chips, which will have a much worse affect on my metabolism.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Turbo Fire, Day 1

Today was my first attempt at Turbo Fire. I say attempt because, even though I chose the 'new to class' option in the menu, it was still hard to follow the choreography.

The class today was called 'Fire 30' followed by 'Stretch 10'. I can see where Fire 30 will definitely give you a cardio workout once you get the moves down. I didn't do great today simply because I couldn't coordinate my arms and legs to the movements I was supposed to be doing. I'd get it down, but by then Chalene was on to another set of moves.

I cranked up the volume on the surround sound and listened to her instructions on choreography and watch intently, trying to mimick her slow moves. Then the music would start and Chalene would go at high speed and I'd be lost. Glad no one could see me trying to keep up! I did work up a sweat, although nothing near what I'd have when doing Insanity.

This will be a lot of fun once I get it down, but I think it's going to take a few days to get my body moving the way it's supposed to. I was half tempted to start the dvd over to try to get the moves down, but decided it can wait until tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Insanity Day 38

This is my last Insanity post. I can't say I completed the challenge, but I can say I suffered through over a month of it and I do not like it.

I like the intensity of the workout, and if I was in a gym with the people in the video, I would probably enjoy it somewhat, but being at home in my living room and just going through exercise drills as if I'm still in middle school gym class is not any fun for me.

Did I gain anything from this experience? Yes, I got my exercise mojo back (I had been slacking badly the last 2 years). I'm glad I'm back in the habit of working out regularly again and I feel good mentally. I gained strength and I can see a slight difference in spots.

However, TURBO FIRE IS IN THE HOUSE!!!! It finally arrived and I'll be starting it hopefully this weekend. It promises to be a lot more enjoyable, with great music (hear that Shaun T?) and dance moves. Here's a little secret, I dance like a geeky white boy, so I certainly won't mind hiding out in my living room to do this workout.

Of course, I'll be posting my experience with this so you will still have something to put you to sleep.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Insanity Day 37, Max Interval Circuit

This morning I learned a lesson. It's not a great idea to work out with nothing in your stomach but coffee. I struggled through 40 minutes of this workout, then called it quits. I had to keep stopping and did not have the energy to go any further.

I knew I wouldn't have the energy I normally do. I also knew that if I ate, it would be another hour or 2 before I could work out without getting heartburn. And 1-2 hours is a lot of time to talk myself out of doing this insane workout, so I did what I could.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Insanity Day 36, Max Cardio Conditioning

I think I like this workout better than the other max workouts. Mainly because it's only 47 minutes and because it's not circuits, so I don't have to repeat those exercises 3 times each. The circuits are what get to me. Knowing that after a break, having done 5 exercises in a row, I have to go back and do them 2 more times just makes the workouts drag along.

In this workout you don't have to repeat any of the exercises. The downside is that you don't get any water breaks. But not having the endurance, strength or wind to complete much of it without taking a much needed rest gives me a small amount of time to gulp down some water while gasping for air.

I'm still excited about Turbo Fire coming. It should be here soon and I just can't stop surfing YouTube to watch others doing the workouts. It looks like so much more fun.

Upside note: I haven't really lost any weight, but my jeans are fitting differently, so I peaked a look in the mirror and I'll be darned if my backside doesn't look a little shapelier!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Insanity Day 34

Hey, guess what? I actually worked out today! I did yesterday's workout, seeing as how I laid out of exercise last night. It was Max Cardio Circuit and it's as tough as it was at the beginning of the week when I did it.

I'm still having a hard time motivating myself to do this workout, moreso since I ordered Turbo Fire, which looks like it will be more enjoyable. But I decided I started this adventure and I need to complete it.

I can see some changes. My arms are stronger and I can see muscles in my chest which, let's face it, us older women need to help fight gravity. My legs, especially above my knees to mid-thigh, I can tell have toned up. All these things are encouraging. The scale, however, is very discouraging. I know, I shouldn't be a slave to it, but I just can't resist!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Insanity Day 33

Okay, so I did it again. I laid out of working out. But tomorrow is a new day and I will get through a 60 minute workout. I will, I will, I will!

P.S. Sure hope I don't post tomorrow night that I didn't.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Insanity Day 32

I am so bored with these Insanity dvd's, I simply dread doing them when I get home.

So it makes perfect sense for me to order the next dvd series from Beachbody, Turbo Fire. I checked the reviews and watched some videos on youtube and it looks much more fun than Insanity. It still uses the HIIT (high intensity interval training) technique that Insanity uses, but it has great choreography and dance moves. It also has some kickboxing moves in it, which I enjoy. The price is outragious though.

If you want to learn more about it, go to youtube and search Turbo Fire. I'll start it after I finish Insanity (maybe before) and I'll let you know how it's going.

Needless to say, I wasn't able to talk myself into another hour long video of Insanity today, hopefully I'll do better tomorrow.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Insanity Day 31, Max Cardio Conditioning

I woke up so sore this morning in my butt, thighs and triceps that every time I sat in my office for awhile I got stiff and dreaded getting out of my chair. I was really dreading going home and trying to get through another hour long workout. So I was elated when I saw that today's workout only lasts 45 minutes long. I should have known better, 45 minutes felt like an hour and a half. No breaks, except the ones I had to take because my legs were giving out (way to many).

I hope I see results when all is said and done. I have not started any dieting and have not quit drinking my beer or two a day and so far haven't seen any major changes. I'm definitely stronger and have more stamina, but I don't think I've lost any inches. According to Beachbody I should be burning a whole lot more calories daily than I was before, so it would seem reasonable that I would have a weight loss. Fortunately, three and a half more weeks and then this program is over.

I'm not really enjoying Insanity. Scratch that, I'm not enjoying it at all. I love hard workouts but this workout is getting monotonous. Yeah I know, there are 10 workouts, however, they're all very similar and when I get through a circuit, I think about having to do it two more times and time seems to drag.

Next I'm wanting to try Turbo Fire. It has some dance moves and from what I've seen looks more enjoyable. However, it costs $145.00 which is ridiculous for a workout program. I'll keep looking at reviews of the program and see if they change my mind.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Insanity Day 30, Max Interval Plyo

When I woke up this morning, I was sore and could definitely feel that I had worked out hard yesterday.

Today's workout was really insane, and I can honestly say, I will never be looking forward to doing these workouts. They completely exhaust me. This workout was the toughest so far. The warm up was the same as yesterday, with me getting winded after the second circuit of the warmup.

The pushups Shaun T. comes up with are unreal. I don't know that I'll ever be able to do them properly, but I'm definitely getting stronger so I'm getting something out of it. This dvd had squat pushups (I think that's what he called them). You get in a squat position, fall down on your hands, do a push up and as you're coming up, push hard enough to push yourself back into the squat position. I could do them after some practice but it completely wore my arms out!

Another pushup he did was balance pushups. Get in a regular pushup position, go down, and as you're coming back up, raise your right arm and right leg, then next pushup your left. I could not do these to save my life, but did the best I could. Here's a youtube video of someone that can actually do these pushups.

Then there were the v pushups with one leg bent up. I don't even know how to describe that one other than to say it works the top of your shoulders and I can't do it well either.

Another pushup he did was in standard pushup position, only when you're pushing yourself back up, your legs jump in and you raise your upper body off the ground so that you're standing. I couldn't even come close to doing that one. There are a few other varieties of pushups also, including side pushups, which I'm not strong enough to do, but I try.

If you want to increase your upper body strength and work on balance, this is the workout for you, but warning, you will sweat like you have never sweat before. I started taking a couple Endurolyte capsules before the workouts and that has definitely helped. I am also choking down Hammer Gel if I have to go to a karate class after my workouts.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Insanity Day 29, Max Interval Circuit

Today was the first day of the max circuit, and OMG I only thought the first month was hard! 59 minutes of pouring sweat, not to mention suicide pushups that killed my wrists. Near the end of the warmup, I got a side cramp, you know the kind that you get when you're not breathing right. I suffered through it and got to the end, although I had to stop several times to catch my breath and recover a little. The people doing the exercises in that video are obviously not smokers.

The max circuit has introduces new exercises and even ventured away from the warmup of the first set of dvd's. I was so tired of doing those mummy kicks and hope they don't appear anywhere in this max series.

I haven't lost much weight yet, maybe a couple pounds, but I did see the before and after pictures of a friend and the results are incredible. She says she saw the most changes during the second month so that is helping me to dig deeper and suffer through it.

On a side note, I counted my Insanity days on my calendar and I don't know how I messed it up, but I only have 56 days of Insanity on it, so I skipped a week of workouts somewhere. No biggie though, because if I see some amazing results this month, I'm definitely going to go through this torture again or maybe order Turbo Fire, another of the beachbody workout sets.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Insanity Day 24, Core Cardio & Balance

I’m finally on the recovery week. The one that lets you build back up so you’ll have enough energy for for the max circuit. The regular circuit about killed me so I’m not looking forward to next week. My energy stores were so low I didn’t do any workouts all weekend, and by yesterday, I was definitely feeling better.

I can honestly say that I never, ever, ever look forward to doing these workouts. I’ve read that you get addicted to them and can’t wait to do them. Those people are insane! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not lazy and I love workouts that make you sweat and gasp for breath, but I don’t like feeling so drained and achy after a few days of working out. What’s the point in that? If you’re too exhausted and sore to function because you’ve worked out, then why work out? Isn’t the reason you do it to make you stronger and give you more energy? You’re defeating the purpose. Well I know, we do it to look good too.

This week’s dvd is called Core Cardio & Balance. It’s definitely a nice change of pace. It will make you sweat a little, and there are exercises in there that are difficult, but overall, it’s slower paced and tolerable. I can actually do this dvd AND make it to a karate class afterwards.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Insanity Day 20, Plyometric Cardio Circuit

I can't believe I'm a third of the way through this!!

Today I did the Plyometric Cardio Circuit and I have to tell you this whole Insanity workout just isn't getting any easier. Which it shouldn't, because you should be jumping, running, etc. as hard as you can for as long as you can. I've found that I'm doing the exercises faster and the plyometrics are higher off the ground. I'm also doing more pushups, but I'm still pushing just as hard as I can and still can't get through a workout without taking breaks. I'm taking that to mean I'm doing the workout correctly.

I'm a little dismayed about not losing any weight yet and not getting any of my chub off my stomach, but I have to keep in mind that I have not been dieting at all, and if anything, I'm eating more junk than ever. I will clean up my diet during the second month and if the makers of Insanity are right about how many calories you will burn during the second month, the weight should fall off. All I want to lose is 8-10 pounds.

Tomorrow is a my day off and hopefully my aching back will have time to recoup.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Insanity Day 19, Power Cardio and Resistance

Yesterday I went to my doctor about my lack of energy and this infection on my forhead and he recommended I use Endurolytes by Hammer Nutrition for my lack of energy. I also asked him about recovery nutrition and he recommended something else by Hammer Nutrition, but when I brought up chocolate milk for recovery, he said that would be great as long as I'm not worried about the sugar. I toughed it out last night and got through Pure Cardio, but I didn't have any energy so I definitely didn't have my heart in it and didn't get a great workout.

Today I bought Endurolytes and took 2 about 30 minutes before I started Power Cardio and Resistance. I still didn't have a lot of energy but I actually feel better after this workout than I have been feeling after working out, so maybe there's hope I'll get through the rest of this 2 month program.

Speaking of this 2 month program, I can't believe I'm almost done with week 3 already. Yeahhh!!! I am starting to see a little definition in my shoulders and arms. My pants are feeling a little loose also so maybe I'm getting some results from all this hard work! The weight is about the same, but if I don't gain weight and I lose inches, this program will be a success.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Insanity Day 17, Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs

Yesterday was supposed to be Plyometric Cardio day, but because of a family reunion in a different state in 100 degree weather, it just didn't happen.

Today I'm still feeling run down. What I thought was being tired from doing all this cardio I believe may be my body being run down because of the staph infection. Tomorrow I have a doctor's appt. and will hopefully get some answers. All this information leads to the excuse of why I did not do Pure Cardio today. I got through Cardio Abs (first time) and I can tell you it definitely worked my abs hard. It's short, about 15 minutes, with only jumping exercises during the warm up, but it's a hard workout for your abs and I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow.

I'm feeling guilty for shorting myself out on the Pure Cardio workout, but I just don't have the energy and knowing that I have to get up tomorrow morning and go to work, I just couldn't talk myself into it.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Insanity Day 15, Fit Test

Today I retook the fit test and overall, my numbers have improved. According to the scale, I'm only down .2 pounds, however I'm trying to keep in mind that eating mexican food Thursday night and pizza last night are probably the reason. And of course, because I'm a woman, I can always plead water retention. My fat percentage is down about 2 percent, but in all honesty I haven't been tracking that until today. I do know it was 33.something when I took the first test.

Here's my stats:

I do enjoy doing the Insanity workouts, but my back is starting to feel it. I don't know if I'm going to be able to complete the entire 60 days of this, as I still have another 45 to go and that seems like a long time if my lower back and hips are going to gradually ache more and more.

On another note, a staph infection I got from a spider bite a few months ago is back. I'm guessing the antibiotics didn't knock it all the way out and it's flared up again. So that may be why I've been feeling run down and achy. I'll be calling the doctor Monday and hopefully he's got something else we can try to get rid of it once and for all.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Insanity Day 13, Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs

Pure Cardio still scares me. I believe this is my 3rd time at it. I still have to stop several times during the workout, but I have to admit it does fly by.

Cardio Abs afterwards, are you insane?? Why yes you are, that's why you're called 'Insanity'. I still have yet to do this workout. I did not have the energy to seach for the menu button on m dvd remote, so that was a great excuse to put it off until today, which is my day off. And because it's my day off, I'm not doing Cardio Abs.

I haven't really lost much weight with all this working out, but I have noticed the fat percentage on my scale has dropped down 2%. So I am losing the chub somewhere and all is right with the world.

Now if I just had some energy after doing these workouts!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Insanity Day 12, Cardio Power and Resistance

This Insanity workout just isn't getting much easier. Sure, I am stronger and can do more of the pushup routines. I have more wind. BUT my legs feel like lead each and every time I start the gawd awful warmup. I'm talking about all the workouts in the 1st month of the series. I so dread the second month.

My lower back is starting to ache from this. I'm hoping the Aleve I'm popping after workouts helps keeps that at bay, because if it keeps getting worse, I'm going to have a terrible time getting through another 6 weeks.

Tomorrow, Pure Cardio AND Cardio Abs. 2 workouts. Ugghhhh. Am I going to be able to crawl to karate class afterwards? Stay tuned . . .

Insanity Day 11, Cardio Recovery

Don't let the name fool you, Cardio Recovery has its moments of difficulty. Those deep squats and lunges that you hold and pulse through will leave your legs shaking. Other than that, this is a very calm and relaxing video, with a lot of stretching and yoga-like poses. It's just what you need after 3 days of insane cardio and plyometrics.

I'm finding I'm able to do more of the pushups and more of the squats, lunges and jumps now. I take a fit test Saturday and I think I'm going to be happy with the results.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Insanity Day 10, Plyometric Cardio

Yesterday after work I did Plyometric Cardio, and I have to tell you I really struggled through it. I was exhausted. I'm going to have to eat better or something because I can feel my electrolytes dropping. I got through it, but didn't make it to a karate class afterwards. I did drink a small OJ and a large glass of chocolate milk after the workout and I think that helped and I feel better today.

On a good note, I did do more of the pushups, including the pushup drills, but still not anywhere near what the people on the dvd are doing. I can definitely feel it in my shoulders and my legs are feeling the burn today.

Tonight is Cardio Recovery and I'm looking forward to a workout that doesn't leave me on my hands and knees crawling to the couch to pull myself up.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Insanity Day 9, Pure Cardio

This was my first time doing Pure Cardio and it was pure h - e - double l! I was sweating, winded and my legs felt like lead after the warm up was through. Thankfully Shaun T stretches after the warm up, giving me time to catch my breath and rest my tired legs.

Shaun T said 3 times that he was nervous about this work out. I can definitely see why. There weren't the usual water breaks like in the last videos, just 13 minutes of nonstop cardio and plyometrics. Of course he threw in his favorite too, suicide pushups, of which I doubt I will ever be able to complete a whole circuit.

After the 13 minutes was over, Shaun T laid on the floor, flat on his back, for a minute. I was in that position a couple times during the work out myself.

This work out will test your endurance and strength. I'm already dreading the next time it comes up.

On the upside, I have gotten through (or should I say struggled through) 9 days of this already! I think I can see a slight difference, and I know I've gotten stronger. I've lost a total of 1.8 pounds, and that's without dieting. Saturday I will be taking another picture and doing my second fit test. I'm actually looking forward to seeing the results.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Insanity Day 8, Cardio Power and Resistance

Yesterday, day 7, was my day off and it flew by! It was great not to have to rush home and workout.

Today is the start of my second week (of 8). This workout isn't any easier the second time around. I still can't get through the second set of circuits (all those pushups) without having to take breaks. My arms are trembling and I'm definitely going to feel it tomorrow.

The cardio itself is getting easier. I still get winded and wear out fast, but I'm surviving much more of it than I did last week. Also, I'm familiar with the moves now so it's a little easier to concentrate on my form.

As far as diet goes, I'm not following one. I know I should be. I know the fat will fall off if I do, but for some reason I can't wrap my brain around dieting AND exercising. It's always one or the other for me. When I get to my second month though, I am going to try to go back to a higher protein, no white carb or sweets diet. Following that does get the weight off me. If I'm going to bust my butt and work out enough to burn up to 1,000 calories a day, I need to clean up my diet so I can see all the hard work paying off. I am probably burning between 400 and 500 calories a work out now. That's an educated guess based on how many calories a tough karate work out for an hour burns (approx. 700).

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Insanity Day 6, Plyometric Cardio

It's getting easier. I can actually get through the warm ups now, and I even struggled through the 1st circuit, with the power jacks, mountain climbing and ski drill. Jeez I hate that ski drill.

But the second set I'm still struggling with. It's all plank position, push ups, jump up, push ups, jump up, plank position and jump your feet to the left, to the right. It goes on forever and I'm too weak to move and out of energy to do most of it.

I'm getting better though and feeling a little stronger. Not as sore, although my right butt cheek is cramping.

Tomorrow is my off day. Hallelujah!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Insanity Day 5, Pure Cardio

I would love to tell you that I did this workout and it was great. But the truth is my dvd didn't work. Hopefully I'll get a replacement soon. I put the dvd in from Day 3 and started it instead. I actually got all the way through the warm up without stopping. But I kept thinking about the tiredness in my arms from doing this the other night and actually whined myself into stopping the dvd. So I have nothing to report about this right now. I know, I should have persevered and completed a workout of some sort, but I just couldn't get my mojo going.

Tomorrow night is Plyometric Cardio again and I am not looking forward to it, but I will be sure to do it.

Insanity Day 4, Cardio Recovery

You don't know how much I needed this recovery! It took all the energy I had left yesterday to put 1 foot in front of the other. Those cardio days wore me out!
Cardio Recovery was a great break from that. I didn't think I'd like it because it's a lot of slow movements and stretching, which I usually don't have the patience for. But after 3 days of intense cardio and plyometrics, there is no way I could have gone home and done another insane cardio workout.
There are some moments in Cardio Recovery that are difficult. The squats and lunges were hard and I feel the burn even today. But the stretching was nice and I believe it worked some of my soreness out.
Tonight I have Pure Cardio to look forward to. From what I've heard and read, this is a super tough workout. I will let you know.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Insanity Day 3 - Power Cardio and Resistance

This is a continuation of the blog I posted yesterday.
I did the workout yesterday afternoon after work, and I have to say I enjoyed this one much more than the other 2. The pace was the same, hectic as all get out. But Shaun T changed it up some, adding a lot of unique pushups, which I really need to get those shoulder and back muscles back into shape. I was a wet rag by the time it was through. This really makes you sweat (or glisten if you're a lady in the South). Sweat was dripping off me.

You know you're getting a great workout when he gives you a 30 second water break and you have to crawl to the couch to pull yourself up.

Tonight will be Cardio Recovery. You would think I'd be looking forward to this, but the fact is, I know he's going to fill up 40 minutes of my time with something, and if it isn't cardio, it's going to be intense muscle building. More on that tomorrow.

On a side note, my hamstrings and lats aren't killing me anymore, the pain has moved down to my calves.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Insanity Day 3, Power Cardio

I woke up this morning to the alarm and OMG I'm in pain. My hamstrings, lats, shoulders, even calves are cringing with every move. It's getting better since I've been up and moving around for a while, but those first few steps were oh so painful.

I won't be able to do the Insanity dvd until after work today, then it will be off to a karate class, so there won't be a review until tomorrow. But I'm definity feeling the work I've put my body through so far.

On a great note, I'm down 2 pounds! I know, I know, it can't possibly be fat loss, coming off that quickly, but I take what I can get. Anytime the number on the scale goes down, I'm happy and encouraged to keep on keeping on.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Insanity Day 2, Plyometric Cardio Circuit

When I finished the fitness test yesterday, I really thought I wouldn't be sore today. I was wrong! My hamstrings and glutes are killing me! But I did what Shaun T says to do, dig deeper and push through it. I dragged myself out of bed and put in the DVD for Plyometric Cardio Circuit.

What can I say about this workout? You know it's going to be bad when you have to take a breather during the warm up. I had to stop several times during the circuits, and I felt like a complete klutz trying to learn the moves, but I got through it. Granted, it was at my own pace.

I don't jump very high during the plyometrics. I come off the ground but just barely. For one, I need to protect my arthritic knees, hips and back. But also, I know that my aerobic conditioning isn't what it used to be and if I don't have the strength to carry out the moves, I could easily strain my joints. My goal is to get through all 63 days and I won't be able to do that if my joints are hurting. Don't get me wrong through, I was definitely sweating and gasping for air through a major part of it. My heart rate was up too so I know I got plenty of cardio.

This is a great workout for building stamina and endurance, which is exactly what I need. I want my old energy level back. I want to be able to go to my karate classes and sparr hard again. I haven't been able to do that the last couple years because I have been lazy and not pushing myself. Hopefully the Insanity program will get me back to where I want to be.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Insanity Day 1, Fitness Test

I woke up knowing that the first job on my list was to complete the fitness test and find out how out of shape I really am. First on the list, take the before pictures. That was discouraging to say the least, and no, I will not be posting them. Sorry.

Frustration set in trying to get the dvd player to work (first problem - the remote is the same color as the lettering on it, impossible to read). I could not figure out how to get it to work, gave up and went to the surround sound. Got it to work but couldn't get the farkin remote to choose the menus, it just stared at me . . . . grrrrrr. Gave up and tried the laptop, but my laptop's screen isn't big enough for me to watch well without my glasses, so back to the surround sound. Debated ripping all cables out of the back of the cabinet and rewiring it. Scratched that idea and did the next best thing, just started hitting remote buttons while quietly cursing husband. Realized I was beating on the wrong remote (there are 5 in our living room). Searched for the correct remote and then game on.

This test is HARD. My thighs burned. I found that I have lost way too much muscle. The positive in this is that I can only improve, right? I do think that no matter what kind of shape you're in, it will be hard if you push yourself. Your goal is to get as many reps in as possible in 1 minute. I didn't do that great, mostly because my endurance has completely left me. Yes there is a price to pay when you smoke a pack a day.

Here's the results:

Switch kicks: 52

Power jacks: 40

Power knees: 70

Power jumps: 26

Globe jumps: 9

Suicide jumps: 10

push-up jacks: 8

Low plank oblique: 23 - really thought that one would be better, but my shoulders got tired

Weight: 140.8 ugghhhhhhhhh

I didn't jump as high as I could have on these, knowing my knees, hips and back will suffer later if I do. If I was 20 instead of 45, I wouldn't give it another thought. Tomorrow is plyometric cardio and I am really dreading it but just hoping to get through it without too many breaks . . .

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day Before Insanity Strikes

When I was considering the Insanity DVD's and wanting to learn about them, I searched for blogs and reviews on the workout program online. Mostly what I found was people 'reviewing' Insanity and selling it on the same page. Sorry, but if you're selling it, I don't think you're going to give an objective review. Yes, they mention how hard it was, how sore they got, how nausaus they would get doing the first few workouts. But then they'd throw in the phrases about getting hooked on it and looking forward to it every day. I don't think I've ever gotten hooked on exercise. I feel great after I've accomplished goals and I sleep much better when I get a hard workout in, but I don't leave my office looking forward to working out. It's just never happened to me. My objective is to give my honest, humble opinion, good or bad, with no advertisements and no encouragement to buy the dvd's.

I was looking forward to starting Insanity, but as the deadline approaches, I'm having second thoughts. I was in incredible shape 4 years ago when I got my black belt, but the last few years my exercising has consisted of light workouts in karate classes and surfing the web. I have a strong right index finger, by the way. All that mouse-clicking really paid off!

Tomorrow morning, ready or not, is day 1 of 63 for me. Day 1 is the fit test, which you take every 3 weeks (I believe) to see how you're progressing. Wish me luck and wish my oxygen!